Saturday, June 19, 2010

Was Yuri Gagarin the First Man in Space?

Given the penchant for the late Soviet Union to hide its errors, it's not inconceivable that Gagarin wasn't the first but rather the 2nd or 3rd attempted cosmonaut to travel into space.

From this page:

Though officially the first human being in outer space and the first to orbit the earth - several weeks prior to American astronaut Alan Shepard's Project Mercury flight - cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was living a Soviet-engineered fabrication, according to the documentary. The filmmakers contend that five days before Gagarin's April 12, 1961 flight, another cosmonaut, Vladimir Ilyushin, was launched into space but after three orbits the mission went awry and Ilyushin was severely injured in a crash landing in mainland China where he was held, possibly as a prisoner, for many months, though the Soviets claimed he was there for treatments related to an auto accident.

The evidence presented in the film is pretty compelling, noting Ilyushin's status as an experienced, record-setting and much-decorated test pilot (and son of renowned airplane designer Sergey Ilyushin) compared to handsome but inexperienced Gagarin, who was never a test pilot and had only 75 or so hours flying time in the Soviet Air Force. The film also cites official Soviet reports on Ilyushin's whereabouts, which change from day-to-day, and the suspicions of foreign correspondents such as the London-based Daily Worker's Moscow correspondent David Ogden, who was interviewed for this documentary shortly before his death.

My own feelings would be that this is crackpot conspiracy bunk, except that I recently befriended a fellow Mechanical Engineer, 70, who was a professor of Aeronautical Engineering in Smolensk, and immigrated to America as soon as Yeltsin came to power. He's definitely one of the most intelligent people I've ever met, and I intend to press him for details.

Stay tuned ...


  1. And Russia is still in front.

  2. LOL and dammit, yeah. China is father though, sheesh. ;-)
