Wednesday, July 21, 2010

265 Times Bigger Than Our Sun

This is why Astronomy disappoints. See that big star? Astronomers told us it couldn't exist. Except it does exist. They said the largest star could only only be 150x as large as our Sun.


Theoretical Physicists also told us that the Proton was a certain size, except they just found out it's 4% smaller than their equations predicted.

Also wrong.

So if the Astronomers disappoint, and the Theoretical Physicists do too, then where the hell is there any hope whatsoever for our species?

I'm no Einstein, and Einstein was no Gauss, but unfortunately for us all, we have neither.

Have a nice day, but honestly? We may be better off spending our days watching stuff like this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this, good ol' blue eyes:

And finally and adieu, our homage to St. John and St. Paul:

Aw, what the heck. There's always Mathematics, and plenty of work to be done in that field.

And for extra credit ...

007 "The one who gets Bond is the one who gets to stay alive!"

And finally this, because everyone likes Paulina:


  1. Wow, this story has some really fast legs!

    Already this morning it was the top news story at CNN, here, and at Yahoo News, here.
