Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Sad Demise of Reggie Garrett, Great American

There aren't THAT many people who are both the star athlete in their high school and a straight-A student as well. They are not only genetically gifted, but combine those gifts with the proper attitude and work ethic such that they are primed to be tomorrow's leaders, and it is hoped will fight the good fight, that is to fight the bastards who seek to enslave us all, as least economically. Reggie Garrett, a master of Physics in every way it can be mastered, was one such person, but we've lost him, as the following CNN article explains. Rest in Peace, Reg, and our most heartfelt sympathies to his surviving family members and friends. Most of us will never know Reggie, but those of you who did know him were blessed that way to know a great potential future American leader during his all too brief walk in the sun. Keep his memory alive, and encourage the young among you to follow in his footsteps, is the best any of us can do. Special props to his mother, who obviously raised him well. There's another great American among us. Keep her warm.

High school player collapses, dies after throwing TD
From Rick Martin, CNN

September 18, 2010 5:45 a.m. EDT

(CNN) -- A Texas high school football quarterback died Friday after collapsing during a football game, a hospital official said.

Reginald Garrett was rushed to Baptist Orange Hospital of Southeast Texas, but he did not survive, said Susan Courtney, a hospital spokeswoman.

Garrett, a senior at West Orange Stark High School, collapsed shortly after throwing his second touchdown of the night, CNN affiliate KBMT reported.

Courtney said Garrett wasn't just a football player, but "the star football player" and a straight-A student.

Cornel Thompson, one of the coaches of the football team, told KBMT players were devastated.

"I've coached this game for 40 years and football really isn't important is it? When something like this happens," he said. "You talk about a great kid, friend and teammate. These kids all followed him, you know. It's a shocker."

Garrett had a history of seizures and coaches told KBMT they believe he may have had a seizure Friday night.

Fans poured into the hospital's lobby and waiting room, wailing and falling to their knees when they learned of Garrett's death, Courtney said.

"Most of the community was here at the hospital," she said. "There was hundreds of people in the parking lot, there was people in the waiting room, cheerleaders, drill team, band members, community support by the hundreds."

1 comment:

  1. Another sad demise! Denver Broncos wide receiver, Kenny McKinley, 23, died of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. You can read about it here.

    It's a bit early to rule his death a suicide, although those are the early reports. The rock band Chicago's guitarist Terry Kath also killed himself with a gun, but that was an accident, so I won't speculate about how a young gifted athlete with his whole life in front of him would do such a thing, except ...

    PEOPLE! Do NOT kill yourself! It's not just the cowardice of the act, it's the severe lifelong pain your family and friends will suffer after you're gone.

    Listen, I know this current Great Recession/Mini-Depression is horrible, but it's not like this sort of thing hasn't happened before. We've always bounced back, keep the faith we will do so again. Hang in there baby, Friday's coming, but if you kill yourself on Tuesday, you won't live to enjoy it.

    Be strong, please. Courage.
