Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hubble Eyes Hanny's Voorweep

I became aware just today of the magnificent green-blob astronomical object called Hanny's Voorweep at Cosmic Log: here, which I saw because CL is on my feed.

An even BETTER explanation complete with a magnificent evolution diagram can be found: here at Universe Today, a website I didn't even know existed until I Googled Hanny's Voorweep. Definitely going to add UT to my feed.

Update (1/11): Phil Plait at Bad Astronomy weighs in on the subject: here.

Update (1/12): Centauri Dreams gets in on the action as well: here.


  1. Update (1/11): Phil Plait at Bad Astronomy weighs in on the subject: here.

    Not sure if Space.com has weighed in on it yet. If so we'll have the quadfecta. Quinfecta if About.com Physics does as well.

  2. Thanks Steven for update link info on Hanny's Voorweep....amazing what pictures of the cosmos can reveal.

    Planets in the making?

