Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Beauty of Mathematics (2)

100 years ago, it was dawning on Humanity that the best Physics (Reality) needed the best Mathematics. Today, it dawns us us that yes we still need both, but we need Computer Science (Logic) too, in order to figure out our world.

"this is my second video to show you how beautiful mathematics can be. in this case the video deals with the lorentz attractor and its connection to the modular flow. in the end you can see that the knots can have the same shape as the lorentz attractor..."

... Libuntux, who created the youtube video above


  1. Mathematics is the ultimate beauty. Euler's Indentity is my favourite.

  2. Mine too! Have you read Dr. Euler's Fabulous Formula Cures Many Mathematical Ills, by Paul J. Nadin?

    That's what I'm reading now. it's all about the bazillion applications of Euler's formula, from which his identity is derived.

    As long as there are humans, EI will amaze for its sheer beauty. The number one most beautiful "formula" according to the world's best mathematicians.

    It's a really great book, if you've learned Math up through Differential Equations.

  3. I'm off to America for the summer and was looking for a good book to read, I think you have just provided me with just that. I've said that when I get my degree I'llget Euler's Identity tattooed onto myself. We'll see if I actually go through with it but it's a nice aim!

  4. Where will you be going here in the States? I love your Engineers do it to Specification, btw. Made me laugh so much, thanks. :-)

  5. Heading to Chicago, ash cloud depending of course.

  6. Ah, the Midwest, nicest people in the country. Have fun and sorry about that bugger in Iceland. Well at least you'll be north of the tornado zone, and Shytown doesn't suffer from Earthquakes, Tidal waves, Volcanos, nor Hurricanes either. Not a fan of any of those. :)

  7. I love your blog! very good, better of alls *-*
