Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Top 16 Reasons Why Engineers Do It Better

There's a pleasant young lassie Engineering student from Ireland who made me smile yesterday with what you're about to read. That's her with the pink power drill, below. Click here to visit her website.

Top 16 reasons Why Engineers Do It Better:

16. We haven’t seen a floppy in years

15. Two words: all nighters

14. We know how to apply the right head pressure

13. We know how to dissipate heat due to friction

12. We have taken classes on the motion of rigid bodies

11. We create the worlds largest erections

10. The world does revolve around us… we choose the coordinate system. 

9. No “couple” enjoy a better “moment”. 

8. We know how to handle stress and strain in a relationship. 

7. We have significant figures. 

6. We understand the motion of rigid bodies. 

5. Projectile motion: Do we need to say more? 

4. Engineers do it to specification. 

3. According to Newton, if two bodies interact, their forces are equal and opposite. 

2. We know it’s not the length of the vector that counts, but how you apply the force. 




  1. Haha! Aw woulja look at that! Thanks for the link!

  2. You're welcome and thanks for being you. My wife of almost 30 years has been in bandgap engineering for as long. I've been a proper lad and put my own career on hold so she could advance hers and it's worked out well. Now her career is coming to a close so its time to restart mine. Never retire, never surrender.

    We need more women in the Sciences and Engineering, I've long felt the ladies are better at looking at the big picture, would make the better managers frankly, so best of luck on your career.

  3. Don't worry, I'm not the type to ever surrender. My mum's a microbiologist so I guess I get the science side of me from her. I hate the stigma attached to women in engineering and science but I chose to use it as positive discrimination. I feel engineering in the next few year's will thrive due to the "woman's touch" that is each day becoming more prevalent in the industry. It's funny that you mention the managerial side to engineering as that's where I can see myself ending up eventually as I fear I'll never be able to settle for less than that rush of deadlines and being in charge. For now though I'll just get my degree I think and see where it goes from there. My main interests lie in fluid dynamics and aeronautics so I'll see where that takes me. The world is my oyster as they say.

    Thanks for the words of wisdom and it's nice to get some words of encouragement form someone who's "been there and done that" so to speak. Glad to hear your wife's also involved in technology, to quote a 90's English girlband with feminist ideals, "Girl Power".

  4. I'm not worried, I've seen your website, your "look" (good fashion AND brains) speaks very well of you.

    Your Mum's accomplishments speak well of you as well. She is of my generation I imagine, and trust me it was much, much harder to be a Scientist in her generation than it is in yours, and believe me I know it's not easy in yours.

    My own mum was one of the first "Women's libbers" and I did what I could to meet a fine lass, which I did and whom I married, and promote her career into a fine Engineer/Scientist (mostly her doing), which she was and is.

    Well, here's hoping the next generation will take gender equality for granted, when in fact you WILL (not might) be in the Management class.

    The fight for TRUE equality for women moves forward, because we're not quite there yet, but almost.

    Onward and upward, into the night, and fare thee well.

  5. I was an Engineer at Ingersoll-Rand once, at about age 27. I worked on centrifugal pumps, some the size of waterfalls.

    I did calculations on pressure differentials (called "head") and flow rates (called "flow").

    So one day, I was the only Engineer once at a party of fellow 20-something Computer Scientists, which made me feel less nerdy because we all know what geeks they are.

    So they asked me what I did for a living.

    "Oh," I said, bored (it was a boring party), "I calculate head and flow to optimize the ideal pumping rate."

    They laughed.

    "Why are you laughing?" I asked.

    "Sounds sexy!" they said.

    Flipping geeks! :)
